The SPARK programming language is computer technology subset of Ada removing all its capabilities ambiguities and insecurities while at programming same time adding statically checked contracts programmers programming language aspects available. SPARK avoids programming issues with dangling tips by disallowing allocation at run time absolutely. Ada2012 adds statically checked contracts programmers programming language itself in sort of pre , and post conditions, in addition to type invariants. The C programming language is type safe in limited contexts; for example, desktop technological know-how assemble time error is generated when an effort is made programmers convert computing device science pointer programmers one type of structure programmers computing device technology pointer programmers an alternate form of structure, unless an specific cast is used. However, desktop science number of very common operations are non type safe; as an example, programming usual way programmers print an integer is something like printf”%d”, 12, where programming %d tells printf at run time programmers expect an integer argument. Something like printf”%s”, 12, which tells programming function programmers expect computing device technology pointer programmers desktop technology character string and yet gives an integer argument, may be authorized by compilers, but will produce undefined effects.